A Place Called America: A Story of the Land and People

A picture book about the history of America, its land and its people.
A picture book about the history of America, its land and its people.
A picture book about the history of America, its land and its people.
A picture book about the history of America, its land and its people.
A picture book about the history of America, its land and its people.

America’s history has been a complicated one, and in her new beautifully detailed picture book, author/illustrator Jennifer Thermes recounts it with thoughtfulness and inclusivity.  America’s story is that of Indigenous peoples, European colonizers, Pilgrims, enslaved individuals, and later people of all different walks of life settling in this country.  A great addition to home and school libraries!

A Place Called America: A Story of the Land and People was written and illustrated by Jennifer Thermes and published by Abrams Books for Young Readers.