Time for Bed, Miyuki

Time for Bed, Miyuki | Avery and Augustine
Time for Bed, Miyuki | Avery and Augustine
Time for Bed, Miyuki | Avery and Augustine

“With a rain of gold on silver hills, the sun offers its last light before leaving for the night.”

Night is falling and Grandpa tells Miyuki that it’s bedtime but she’s “busy playing and trying to push back time.”  She thinks of one more thing — which turns into a long string of “one more things”— that she needs to finish preparing for tomorrow.  Illustrator Seng Soun Ratanavanh’s art and palette are some sort of wonderful otherworldly dream.  Time for Bed, Miyuki is an enchanting, poetic tale to settle down with at the end of the day.  One of our favorites published this year.

Time for Bed, Miyuki was written by Roxane Marie Galliez, illustrated by Seng Soun Ratanavanh and published by Princeton Architectural Press.  It’ll be out on September 18.